Light-Cone 2024: Hadron Physics in the EIC era

Meeting Center, Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Huizhou, Guangdong, China)

Meeting Center, Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Huizhou, Guangdong, China

Xingbo Zhao (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences), Jiangshan Lan (Institute of Modern Physics), Satvir Kaur (Institute of Modern Physics), Chandan Mondal, Siqi Xu, Yair Mulian (Institute of Modern Physics), Yuxiang Zhao

Light-Cone 2024: Hadron Physics in the EIC era (LC2024) is scheduled to take place from November 25 to 29, 2024 in the Huizhou campus of the Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Registration deadline: Oct 31, 2024

Light-Cone 2024 continues the conference series that began in 1991, overseen by the International Light Cone Advisory Committee (ILCAC). For the information on past Light Cone conferences, please refer to the ILCAC website ( These conferences have been crucial for advancing our understanding of quantum field theory, quantum chromodynamics (QCD), and high-energy physics. Over time, they also evolved into a platform for exploring developments in hadron and nuclear physics, with a focus on several experimental facilities including upcoming EICs. These conferences serve as a hub where scientists come together to exchange ideas, cooperate on research, and keep pushing the boundaries of our knowledge about the smallest building blocks of the universe.

The previous conference on “Light-Cone 2023: Hadrons and Symmetries” held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil ( emphasized phenomenological applications where one can gain fruitful interpretations in terms of hadron-structure observables, matching the experimental efforts, carried on in many facilities around the world.

The objective of LC2024 is to design a scientific program that will inspire advancements in the leading edge of research in nuclear, hadron, and particle physics at Electron-Ion Colliders (EICs)

Light-Cone 2024 will focus on the following physics topics and theoretical/experimental tools.  

Physics Topics:     
• Physics of EIC and EicC     
• Hadron spectroscopy and reactions     
• Hadron/nuclear structure   
• Spin physics     
• Relativistic many-body physics      
• QCD phase structure

Theoretical/Experimental Tools:     
• Light-front field theory     
• AdS/CFT and holography     
• Nonperturbative QFT methods     
• Effective field theories     
• Lattice field theories      
• Quantum computing 
• Present and future facilities

We look forward to welcoming you in Huizhou in November 2024 !

  • Bowen Xiao
  • Carlos Munoz Camacho
  • Chueng-Ryong Ji
  • Dingyu Shao
  • Dipankar Chakrabarti
  • Feng-Kun Guo
  • Ho-Meoyng Choi
  • James Vary
  • Jani Penttala
  • Jarah Evslin
  • Jiangshan Lan
  • João Pacheco de Melo
  • Marzieh Shekari Tousi
  • Meijian Li
  • Poonam Choudhary
  • Qinghua Xu
  • Shunzo Kumano
  • Sreeraj Nair
  • Sudeep Saha
  • Tiancai Peng
  • Wanchen Li
  • Wayne Polyzou
  • Wenyang Qian
  • Xiang Liu
  • Xiangdong Ji
  • Xiaohui Liu
  • xiaolin li
  • Xingbo Zhao
  • Yair Mulian
  • Yang Li
  • Yangheng Zheng
  • Yifei Zhang
  • Yuxiang Zhao
  • 豪 周
Local Organizing Committee