Beam-cooling, manipulation, and diagnostics
- Giacomo de Angelis (IMP CAS Lanzhou China and INFN Laboratori Nazionali Legnaro Italy)
Beam-cooling, manipulation, and diagnostics
- Takayuki Yamaguchi (Saitama University)
The Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility (NICA) is under mounting in JINR. The Collider first beam tests are planned for the second half of 2025. The goal of the NICA project is to provide colliding beams for studies of collisions of heavy fully stripped ions at energies up to 4.5 GeV/u. The NICA accelerator facility consists of following accelerators: the new acting heavy ion linac HILAC at...
Recent storage ring experiments have demonstrated the power and the potential of laser cooling of bunched relativistic ion beams. Encouraged by this, the heavy-ion synchrotron SIS100 at FAIR (Darmstadt, Germany) will be equipped with a truly unique laser cooling facility. A sophisticated combination of 3 newly developed UV (257 nm) laser systems and modest rf-bunching will allow for fast...
In order to study the exotic structures of light unstable nuclei, we have developed a Large Acceptance Charged particle detector array at Peking University, LACPU, which is suitable for simultaneous measurement of various different direct nuclear reactions induced by radioactive beams on protons and deuterons in inverse kinematics [1,2]. The properties of LACPU, published experimental results...
We present an overview of laser cooling as a new method to cool highly relativistic beams at future research facilities such as FAIR and HIAF. We first dive into understanding the mechanisms of laser cooling at relativistic energies, giving estimates for cooling times and their scaling with beam energy and ion charge state for a given accelerator. We further look into the specific beam...
Non-destructive Schottky detectors can be used to accurately determine masses and lifetimes of exotic nuclear species and their isomeric states in heavy ion storage rings. Single-ion sensitivity has been regularly achieved in the past using resonant cavity detectors. Recent designs and analysis methods aim to push the limits of measurement accuracy by increasing the dimensionality of the...
The HITRAP project at the GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH aims to provide cooled bunches of heavy, highly charged ions (HCI) for precision experiments. Produced at high energy, the HCI are subsequently decelerated by a linear decelerator down to 6 keV/u, at which point they are captured in the HITRAP Cooling Trap. In this Penning-Malmberg trap, the HCI can be cooled by a...