7:00 PM
Signature Splitting in Three Quasiparticle Rotational Bands of Odd-A Nuclei
Manpreet KAUR
(Akal University)
7:00 PM
Search for Axion-Like Particles with Polarized Beams at Storage Rings
Daoning GU
7:20 PM
205Pb as an early Solar System chronometer
(GSI Darmstadt)
7:20 PM
Nonradiative electron capture in fast collisions of Xe$^{54+}$ with Kr and Xe at the HIRFL-CSR heavy-ion storage ring
(the Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
7:20 PM
ΔI = 2 Bifurcation as a Characteristic Feature of Scissors Rotational Bands
Cui-Juan LV
(Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
7:20 PM
Nuclear structure of dripline nuclei elucidated through precision mass measurements of 23Si, 26P, 27,28S, and 31Ar
Yue YU
(Institude of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Science)
7:20 PM
Commissioning of the Transverse Electron Target at the Heavy-Ion Storage Ring CRYRING
(JLU Gießen and HFHF Campus Gießen)
7:40 PM
The Design of TOF Detectors for Nuclear Mass Measurement at HIAF
Hongyang JIAO
(Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
7:40 PM
The enhancement caused by the field-induced recombination in radiative recombination experiments
Kaiqiang SHI
(Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy Sciences)
7:40 PM
Incoherent tune measurement of an ion storage ring using single ions
(Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
7:40 PM
Description of structure and examination of staggering in superdeformed bands in Pb isotopes using SU(3) symmetry
(Nit jalandhar India)
7:40 PM
Laser cooling and precision laser spectroscopy of relativistic Li-like O5+ ions at CSRe
Hanbing WANG
(Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
7:40 PM
A Position-Sensitive Schottky Cavity Detector for increased mass accuracy at R3
(RIKEN Nishina Center)
7:40 PM
The study of double beta decay nuclear matrix elements
Honglin CHEN
(Lanzhou University)
8:00 PM
β-decay studies of A = 107 fission products using the Modular Total Absorption Spectrometer (MTAS)
(Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
8:00 PM
Improvements of the conventional isochronous mass spectrometry with tune measurement
Hanyu DENG
(Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
8:00 PM
Sensitivity of the r-process rare-earth peak abundances to nuclear masses
Yi Wei HAO
(Lanzhou University)
8:00 PM
Progress of the Decay Half-life Measurements of Highly-Charged Ions In CSRe
(Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
8:00 PM
Empirical Gallagher and Moszkowski Rules for Three quasiparticles States
Manpreet KAUR
(Akal University)
8:00 PM
Precision Mass and Decay Lifetime Measurements at the HIAF-SRing facility
Xinliang YAN
(Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
8:00 PM
In-ring detector developments for the Rare-RI Ring facility
(Saitama University)
8:00 PM
Design optimization of the isochronous mode in the HIAF-SRing
Wenwen GE
(Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Science)
8:00 PM
A novel method of identification of in-ring decay and its application in the half-life estimates of 94𝑚Ru44+
(East China University of Technology,China)
8:20 PM
Progress of SRing resonant schottky cavity
Guangyu ZHU
(institute of modern physics, CAS)
8:20 PM
Ground-state mass of 22Al, 26P and28S
(Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
8:20 PM
Sensitivity study on fission in r-process nucleosynthesis
(Xi’an Jiaotong University)
8:20 PM
Nucleus++: a new tool bridging Ame and Nubase for advancing nuclear data analysis
JinYang SHI
8:20 PM
Dual-structure features for heavy ion and light particles at NICA collider
Alexander AKSENTEV
(INR of RAS)
8:20 PM
The isochronous higher-order correction for the Spectrometer Ring of HIAF
(Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
8:20 PM
A data analysis method improved for Bρ-defined IMS
Jiahao LV
8:40 PM
Review of rare charm decays
Souvik MAITY
(Institute of Modern Physics)
8:40 PM
The Progress and Status of HIAF BRing
Guodong SHEN
(Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
8:40 PM
Variance in the radial distribution of nuclear matter between $^{56}\textrm{Ni}$ and $^{58}\textrm{Ni}$ inferred from a model-independent Sum-of-Gaussian analysis of elastic proton scattering data measured at the ESR storage ring
Xingquan LIU
(Sichuang University)
8:40 PM
Power of combining high statistics gamma-ray coincidences and fragmentation identified low statistics gamma-ray data from fission reactions in the observation of multi-phonon gamma vibrational bands in A~100 region
Enhong WANG
(Shangdong University)
8:40 PM
Effective proton-neutron interaction in mirror nuclei
Yinfang LUO
(Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
8:40 PM
beta decay spectroscopy of the 137Te nucleus
Min SI
(Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
8:40 PM
A Compton polarimeter telescope for the 1 MeV X-ray regime
(GSI Helmholtzzentrum)