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A: Guest House:  The Guest House is located at the IMP, CAS, Huizhou campus, it offers different room types. 

1. Suit Room (60 m2 inside, with one bedroom and one living room) 450 RMB/Day, with breakfast.

 2. Standard Room (30 m2 inside, twin beds), 280 RMB/Day, with breakfast.  

No matter which room type you choose, we will not share your room with anyone else.

Please note that it has to be booked before October 15, 2024.

There are about 90 standard rooms and 5 suit rooms in total.  First come first served.  Lodging expenses are to be covered by the guests. The fees can be paid onsite by cash or card at the front-desk of the Guest house during the conference.

Photos of the guest house


Laundry room equipped with washing machine, dryer, ironing board etc