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Katsunori Ikeda
((NIFS) )
04/09/2019, 14:00
Dirk Wünderlich
( (MIP) )
04/09/2019, 14:20
Alessandro Mimo
((MIP) )
04/09/2019, 14:40
Marco Cavenago
04/09/2019, 15:00
Xie Yahong
((IPP, CAS) )
04/09/2019, 15:20
Gianluigi Serianni
((Consorzio RFX) )
04/09/2019, 15:40
Kenichi Nagaoka
((NIFS) )
05/09/2019, 08:30
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Katsunori Ikeda
Extension of high power deuterium operation of negative ion based neutral beam injector in LHD
Lanzhou, China
14:00 - 14:20
Dirk Wünderlich
Formation of large negative deuterium ion beams at ELISE
Lanzhou, China
14:20 - 14:40
Alessandro Mimo
Cavity ring-down spectroscopy system for the determination of negative hydrogen ion density at the ELISE test facility
Lanzhou, China
14:40 - 15:00
Marco Cavenago
Improvements of the NIO1 installation for negative ion sources
Lanzhou, China
15:00 - 15:20
Xie Yahong
R&D progress of RF ion source for neutral beam injector at ASIPP
Lanzhou, China
15:20 - 15:40
Gianluigi Serianni
First operation in SPIDER and the path to complete MITCA
Lanzhou, China
15:40 - 16:10
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