18th International Conference on Ion Sources

Lanzhou, China

Lanzhou, China


 Welcome to ICIS’19

The 18th International Conference on Ion Sources (ICIS’19) organized by Institute of Modern Physics will take place at Crowne Plaza, Lanzhou, China on the beautiful Yellow River shore from September 1 to 6, 2019.

This is a biennial international even in the ICIS series after recent three conferences hosted in Geneva (ICIS’17, EU), New York City (ICIS’15, North Am), and Chiba (ICIS’13, Asia), respectively. After 6 years, this conference returns to Asia again. It will be the second time for this even to be hosted in China, after the ICIS1993 in Beijing hosted by PKU University.

ICIS'19 will continue the traditional form of previous conferences that facilitates formal and informal interactions between ion source scientists, engineers, students and industrial exhibitors, encouraging the exchange of information and ideas across the broad spectrum of ion source science and technology.

ICIS'19 will offer 15 plenary sessions of invited and contributed oral presentations on Monday morning through Friday afternoon. Two Poster sessions will be arranged on Monday and Wednesday afternoon respectively. The scientific program will cover themes of the ion sources science and technology that are relevant to the production of beam for scientific research and for applications:

  • Fundamental processes in ion sources, plasma
  • Production of high intensity ion beams
  • Production of highly charged ion beams
  • Negative ion sources
  • Ion sources for fusion
  • Polarized ion sources
  • Radioactive ion beam sources and charge breeders
  • Beam formation, extraction, transport, and diagnostics
  • Applications of ion sources
  • Key technologies for ion sources

We are glad that Review of Scientific Instruments of AIP will be our conference guest sponsor to support fully the publication of the refereed Proceedings.

Details on the program, registration, abstract submission, vendor participation, and hotel accommodations can be found on this site (under construction).

For questions about ICIS 2019, please feel free to contact the Conference LOC chair, Huanyu Zhao, icis2019@impcas.ac.cn, (+86) 931 4969 542.

I look forward to welcoming you to Lanzhou for this conference.



Hongwei ZHAO

ICIS’19 Conference Chair

    • Registration
    • Reception
    • Registration
    • Opening Ceremony
    • Polarized ion sources
      • 1
        Review of high intensity ion source development and operation for worldwide nuclear science facility
        Speaker: Richard Pardo (ANL)
      • 2
        High power accelerators for basic science research and applications and requirements to ion sources
        Speaker: Wenlong Zhan (CAS)
    • 10:30
      Conference Photo
    • 10:50
      Coffee Break
    • Fundamental processes in ion sources, plasma
      • 3
        Estimating ion confinement times from beam current transients in conventional and charge breeder ECRIS
        Speaker: Miha Marttinen (JYU)
      • 4
        Effects of magnetic configuration on hot electrons in SECRAL-II plasma
        Speaker: Jibo Li  (IMP)
      • 5
        Evaluation method of plasma instability in laser ion source using solenoid
        Speaker: Takahiro Karino (Utsunomiya Univ./ RIKEN)
    • 12:20
      Lunch Break
    • Fundamental processes in ion sources, plasma
      • 6
        Multi-diagnostics setup as a tool to overcome the limits of compact ion sources
        Speaker: Luigi Celona  (INFN-LNS)
      • 7
        Measurements and simulations of the energy distribution of electrons lost from the minimum B-field
        Speaker: Ivan Izotov ( IAP)
      • 8
        Self-consistent modeling of beam-plasma interaction in the charge breeding optimization process
        Speaker: Alessio Galatà (INFN-LNL)
    • Beam formation, extraction, transport, and diagnostics
      • 9
        Low energy highly charged ion beam production and the future opportunities for HCI physics at IMP
        Speaker: Yao Yang (IMP)
    • Fundamental processes in ion sources, plasma
      • 10
        Upper hybrid resonance heating experiments on Electron Cyclotron Resonance ion source
        Speaker: Yushi Kato (Osaka Univ.)
      • 11
        Measurement of the energy distribution of electrons escaping confinement from an Electron Cyclotron Resonance ion source
        Speaker: Bryan Isherwood (MSU)
    • 16:20
      Coffee Break

      Poster Session - MonP

    • 12
      Overview of high intensity ion source development in past 20 years at IMP
      Speaker: Liangting Sun (IMP)
    • 13
      New developments on the RHIC-EBIS for the BNL heavy ion program
      Speaker: Edward Beebe (BNL)
    • 14
      Production of intense metal ion beam with RIKEN 28 GHz SC-ECRIS
      Speaker: Takahide Nakagawa (RIKEN)
    • 15
      Production of intense uranium beams with inductive heating oven at IMP
      Speaker: Wang Lu (IMP)
    • 16
      Stable short-pulse ion beam production with the laser ion source at IMP
      Speaker: Huanyu Zhao (IMP)
    • 10:30
      Coffee Break
    • Radioactive ion beam sources and charge breeders
      • 17
        Charge breeding at Ganil: improvements, results and comparison with the other facilities
        Speaker: Laurent Maunoury ((GANIL) )
      • 18
        EBIS/T charge breeders for RIB facilities
        Speaker: Alain Lapierre ((FRIB))
      • 19
        The study of 1+ ion beam interaction in an ECR charge breeder ion source plasmas using Monte-Carlo Charge Breeding Code (MCBC)
        Speaker: Arun Annaluru ((GANIL) )
    • 12:20
      Lunch Break
    • Production of high intensity ion beams
      • 20
        Selectable high intensity ion species of H+/H2+/H3+ beam with a 2.45 GHz ECR ion source
        Speaker: Shixiang Peng ((PKU) )
    • Negative ion sources
      • 21
        J-PARC H- source for 100 mA high energy and high duty factor H- LINACs
        Speaker: Akira Ueno ((J-PARC) )
    • Production of high intensity ion beams
      • 22
        Commissioning of high current H+/D+ ion beams for the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator (LIPAc)
        Speaker: Tomoya Akagi ( (QST) )
      • 23
        Small anode discharge ion source
        Speaker: Vadim Dudnikov ( (Muons, In) )
    • Negative ion sources
      • 24
        Commissioning of the RF H- source in CSNS
        Speaker: Weidong Chen ((IHEP) )
      • 25
        Upgrading the LANSCE accelerator complex with a SNS RF-driven H- ion source
        Speaker: Martin Stockli ((ORNL) )
    • 16:20
      Coffee Break

      Poster Session - TueP
      C02, C03, C04, C07

    • IAC Meeting
    • Beam formation, extraction, transport, and diagnostics
      • 26
        Plasma diagnostic tools for ECR ion sources - what can we learn from these experiments for the next generation sources
        Speaker: Olli Tarvainen ((UKRI-STFC/ RAL/ ISIS))
      • 27
        ECRIS Plasma  Spectroscopy with a High  Resolution  Spectrometer
        Speaker: Risto Kronholm ( (JYU))
    • Fundamental processes in ion sources, plasma
      • 28
        Particle-in-cell simulation of transport and energy deposition of intense proton beams in solid-density material
        Speaker: Dong Wu ( (Zhejiang Univ.) )
    • Beam formation, extraction, transport, and diagnostics
      • 29
        Well-controlled emittance of the metallic ion beam extracted from the 28-GHz Superconducting ECR ion source adapting the superconducting acceleration cavity for new super heavy elements research
        Speaker: Takashi Nagatomo ((RIKEN) )
      • 30
        Feasibility study of a compact heavy ion source for investigation of laboratory magnetospheric plasma
        Speaker: Kaori Nakamura ((Univ. Tokyo) )
    • 10:30
      Coffee Break
    • Production of highly charged ion beams
      • 31
        Status and perspectives for high intensity uranium beams from the RIKEN 28 GHz ECRIS
        Speaker: Yoshihide Higurashi ( (RIKEN) )
      • 32
        A new microwave coupling scheme for high intensity highly charged ion beam production by high power 24-28 GHz SECRAL ion source
        Speaker: Junwei Guo ( (IMP))
    • Key technologies for ion sources
      • 33
        Development of a highly efficient NEG pumping system for EBIS
        Speaker: Sergey Kondrashev ((BNL) )
    • 12:20
      Lunch Break
    • Ion sources for fusion
      • 34
        Extension of high power deuterium operation of negative ion based neutral beam injector in LHD
        Speaker: Katsunori Ikeda ((NIFS) )
      • 35
        Formation of large negative deuterium ion beams at ELISE
        Speaker: Dirk Wünderlich ( (MIP) )
      • 36
        Cavity ring-down spectroscopy system for the determination of negative hydrogen ion density at the ELISE test facility
        Speaker: Alessandro Mimo ((MIP) )
      • 37
        Improvements of the NIO1 installation for negative ion sources
        Speaker: Marco Cavenago ((INFN-LNL))
      • 38
        R&D progress of RF ion source for neutral beam injector at ASIPP
        Speaker: Xie Yahong ((IPP, CAS) )
      • 39
        First operation in SPIDER and the path to complete MITCA
        Speaker: Gianluigi Serianni ((Consorzio RFX) )
    • 16:10
      Coffee Break

      Poster Session - TueP
      C02, C03, C04, C07

    • Ion sources for fusion
      • 40
        Optical characteristics of negative ion beam with multi-beam-axes produced by LHD-type negative ion source
        Speaker: Kenichi Nagaoka ((NIFS) )
    • Beam formation, extraction, transport, and diagnostics
      • 41
        Design and development of an Allison type emittance scanner for the SPIDER ion source
        Speaker: Carlo Poggi ((Consorzio RFX) )
    • Production of high intensity ion beams
      • 42
        Generation of boron ion beam by different methods
        Speaker: Efim Oks ( (HCEI) )
    • Brightness Award
    • Polarized ion sources
      • 43
        High-intensity polarized H- and 3He++ sources development at RHIC
        Speaker: Anatoni Zelenski ((BNL) )
    • 10:30
      Coffee Break
    • Negative ion sources
      • 44
        Achievement of high power and long pulse negative ion beam acceleration for JT-60SA NBI
        Speaker: Junichi Hiratsuka ( (QST))
      • 45
        Installation and commissioning of the ion source systems for the new SNS 2.5 MeV injector
        Speaker: Robert Welton ( (ORNL) )
      • 46
        Prospect of Cs-free hydrogen negative ion sources using C12A7 plasma electrodes
        Speaker: Mamiko Sasao ((Doshisha Univ.))
      • 47
        A pre-injector upgrade for the ISIS pulsed spallation neutron facility, including a medium energy beam transport line and an RF-Driven, non-caesiated, external-antenna H– ion source
        Speaker: Scott Lawrie ((UKRI) )
    • Outing
    • Conference Dinner
    • Applications of ion sources
      • 48
        The role of ion sources in synthesis of the super-heavy elements
        Speaker: Andrey Efremov ((JINR))
      • 49
        Ion thrusters and electrical propulsion developments
        Speaker: Peter Klar ((Univ. Giessen) )
      • 50
        Capabilities of radio-frequency ion-sources in surface modification of materials
        Speaker: Martin Becker ((IEP) )
      • 51
        Present status of ion sources at QST-NIRS and carbon-ion radiotherapy facilities
        Speaker: Atsushi Kitagawa ((NIRS))
      • 52
        Neutron generator based on intense lithium beam driver
        Speaker: Shunsuke Ikeda ( (BNL) )
    • 11:00
      Coffee Break
    • Young Scientist Award
    • Conclusion Remarks
    • Conference Closing Ceremony
    • 12:30
      Lunch Break
    • Lab Tour