2–6 Sept 2024
Peng Huanwu Collaborative Center for Research and Education, BUAA
Asia/Shanghai timezone


Session II

2 Sept 2024, 11:10
6th floor meeting room (Peng Huanwu Collaborative Center for Research and Education, BUAA)

6th floor meeting room

Peng Huanwu Collaborative Center for Research and Education, BUAA

Baiyan Bldg, North 4th Ring Road Middle, No. 238, Beijing, China


Session II: A New Strong Urca Pair 63Fe-63Mn and its Impact on the Thermal Evolution and Superburst Ignition of Neutron Star

  • Hao Huang (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Science)

Session II: Correlation between alpha-decay half-lives and symmetry energy

  • Yong-Beom Choi (Pusan National University)

Presentation materials

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Building timetable...