After 60 years of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) and the quark constituent model, new experimental evidence challenges existing descriptions of hadronic states. This work introduces a holographic approach to describing exotic vector states emerging in heavy quarkonium. We propose a WKB-based approach inspired by diquark Regge trajectories to infer the structure of the holographic confining...
In this talk I will discuss some recent progress in the study of photon and flavor asymmetric pseudoscalar meson light front wave functions made within DSEs approach.
We employ the non-perturbative gauge/gravity duality approach to study the phase structure of Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) under finite temperature, baryon chemical potential, and rotational effects. Our models include the SU(3) pure gluon system, 2-flavor QCD, and 2+1-flavor QCD, all calibrated with the latest lattice data to analyze their thermodynamic properties and predict the location of...
We compute holographic entanglement entropy (EE) and the renormalized EE in AdS solitons with gauge potential for various dimensions. The renormalized EE is a cutoff-independent universal component of EE. Via Kaluza-Klein compactification of S1 and considering the low-energy regime, we deduce the (d−1)-dimensional renormalized EE from the odd-dimensional counterpart. This corresponds to the...
Parton fragmentation functions (FFs) are indispensable for understanding processes of hadron production ubiquitously existing in high-energy collisions, but their first principle determination has never been realized due to the insurmountable difficulties in encoding their operator definition using traditional lattice methodology. We propose a framework that makes a first step for evaluating...
Quantum nonlocality, a fundamental feature of quantum mechanics, is frequently associated with the experimental violation of Bell-Clauser-Horne (Bell-CH) inequalities. We present a set of novel methods for the rearrangement and linear inequalities to derive a broad class of Bell-CH inequalities, which can be violated by particular quantum-entangled states. The rapid advancements in Quantum...
Using the CGC effective theory together with the hybrid factorisation in light-cone formalism, we study forward photon+jet production in proton-nucleus collisions beyond leading order. We first compute the "real" next-to-leading order (NLO) corrections, i.e. the radiative corrections associated with a three-parton final state, out of which only two are being measured. Then we move to the...
We fit the structure function $F_2$ data from HERA using the Balitsky-Kovchegov (BK) equation. The non-linear equation for the unintegrated gluon density is solved, also incorporating resummations due to the DGLAP evolution and kinematical constraints. Parallel computation on GPUs is employed to handle the intensive calculations, achieving a good fit to the structure function with $\chi^2 \sim...
Relativistic full weak-neutral axial-vector four-current distributions inside a general spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ system are systematically studied for the first time. We show in particular that the slope of the axial form factor $G_A(Q^2)$ in the forward limit -- conventionally denoted as $R^2_A$ in the literature -- does not represent the three-dimensional mean-square axial radius in the Breit...
Exclusive $\chi_c$ production is sensitive to the C-odd colorless tri-gluon correlation in the $t$-channel - the long sought Odderon. While a non-perturbative C-odd compound has been recently discovered through elastic $pp$ collisions [1], however, Odderon escaped the direct detections at HERA. At the EIC and the EIcC, the high luminosity can counteract the feeble Odderon amplitude. Using the...
The gluon density in nucleons has been observed to increase rapidly with energy, which would eventually violate unitarity. At high energies, however, nonlinear effects in QCD start to become important, slowing down the evolution of the gluon density and hence giving rise to gluon saturation. To study this saturation region of QCD one possibility is to look at diffractive processes which are...
In this talk I will present the results of lattice calculation of the quark helicity PDFs of proton.
We propose two approaches for extracting the total gluon helicity contribution to proton spin from lattice QCD, one from local operator matrix elements in a fixed gauge accessible on lattice with feasible renormalization, and the other from gauge-invariant nonlocal gluon correlators. Neither of these approaches requires a matching procedure when converted to the MS scheme. Our proposal...
We determine the mass spectroscopy and diffractive cross-section of ρ and ϕ vector meson by solving the holographic light-front Schrodinger equation along with the ’t Hooft equation of (1+1)-dimensional QCD in the large Nc limit. In order to obtained the diffractive cross-sections, we utilized the holographic LFWFs in conjunction with the color glass condensate dipole cross-section. Our...
Semileptonic decays involve the transition of a heavy meson (such as B or D) to a lighter meson via the exchange of a W boson. Understanding the form factors governing these transitions is essential for precision measurements of CKM matrix elements and testing the Standard Model. The form factors are manifestations of nonperturbative QCD processes, and various phenomenological models have been...
We present the first systematic investigation of the Lorentz covariance of the charge form factor for a strongly coupled scalar theory in (3+1)-dimensions. Our results are based on the non-perturbative solution of the scalar Yukawa theory with a Fock sector expansion including up to thee-particles (one mock nucleon plus two mock pions or two mock nucleons plus one mock anti-nucleon). The...
We propose a method to solve for the structure of relativistic 2-body bound states from Bethe--Salpeter equations (BSEs) in Minkowski space. Particularly after introducing both the Källén--Lehmann spectral representation of dressed propagators and the Nakanishi integral representation of the Bethe--Salpeter amplitudes, the BSE for scalar bound states of scalar constituents is converted into...
As the theory of quantum chromodynamics has unfolded, the pion has come to be understood as Nature’s most fundamental Nambu-Goldstone boson. It is attached to chiral symmetry, which is dynamically broken, quite probably as a corollary of emergence of hadron mass. Continuum Schwinger function methods are well suited to tackling the pion. This presentation describes the theoretical developments...
As the lightest and simplest hadron composited by valence quarks, pion meson and the involved channels are usually treated as the benchmarks of measurements, which requires the theoretical calculations based on the knowledge of its inner structure to achieve at a high accuracy. How precise do we know the pion meson light-cone distribution amplitudes (LCDAs) ? In this talk I will report the...
In the past few years, there has been rapid progress in both theoretical developments and lattice calculations of the partonic structure of hadrons. In this talk, I will present some recent results aimed at achieving precise hadron tomography using lattice QCD.
We investigate the properties of the charged kaon in symmetric nuclear matter by employing a Bethe-Salpeter amplitude to model the quark-antiquark bound state, which is well established by prior studies of its vacuum properties. Our analysis examines the electromagnetic form factor, charge radius, decay constant, and the light-front valence component probability. To effectively describe the...