25–29 Nov 2024
Huizhou, Guangdong, China
Asia/Shanghai timezone

Exclusive production and polarization of $\chi_c$'s as Odderon signatures at the EIC and EIcC

26 Nov 2024, 14:00
Room-2, Meeting Center, Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Huizhou, Guangdong, China)

Room-2, Meeting Center, Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Huizhou, Guangdong, China

Invited Parallel-2


Sanjin Benic (University of Zagreb)


Exclusive $\chi_c$ production is sensitive to the C-odd colorless tri-gluon correlation in the $t$-channel - the long sought Odderon. While a non-perturbative C-odd compound has been recently discovered through elastic $pp$ collisions [1], however, Odderon escaped the direct detections at HERA. At the EIC and the EIcC, the high luminosity can counteract the feeble Odderon amplitude. Using the high energy light-cone approach we compute the amplitude and the cross section for $\chi_{c0}$, $\chi_{c1}$ and $\chi_{c2}$ production. We find an excess above the Primakoff background as well as the characteristically slow falling t-distribution, predicting about a dozen events per month should be seen at the EIC. In the low-$t$ region a contribution from the spin dependent Odderon is revealed that is closely related to the gluon Sivers function [3]: one of the main targets at the future EIC and EIcC. Focusing on axial vector $\chi_{c1}$, where the Coulomb tail (~1/|t|) of the Primakoff process is screened (Landau-Yang theorem), the spin dependent Odderon can be directly probed in unpolarized $\gamma+p$ collisions. The two contributions (spin dependent Odderon and photon) can be disentangled by accessing the $\chi_{c1}$ polarization via the angular distribution of its decay products revealing another potential signature for the Odderon at the EIC.

Primary authors

Adrian Dumitru (Baruch College) Leszek Motyka (Jagiellonian University) Sanjin Benic (University of Zagreb) Tomasz Stebel (Jagiellonian University)

Presentation materials