Theoretical Nuclear Physics for Astrophysics
- Kevin Insik Hahn (Center for Exotic Nuclear Studies, Institute for Basic Science)
Theoretical Nuclear Physics for Astrophysics
- Andreas Best
Theoretical Nuclear Physics for Astrophysics
- Yifei Niu (Lanzhou University)
There is a growing consensus in recent multi-messenger astronomy that the explosions of single massive stars, i.e. magneto-hydrodynamic jet supernovae and collapsars, dominate the r-element enrichment over the entire history of cosmic evolution, while kilonovae could partly contribute to recent epoch due to the cosmologically long time-delay of merging binary neutron stars [1,2]. We have...
The relativistic or covariant density functional theory (CDFT) , implemented with self-consistency and taking into account various correlations by spontaneously broken symmetries, provides an excellent description for the ground-state properties. New physics wonder may result from the strong coupling between theory and experiment perspectives. In this talk, the predictive power of PC-PK1 is...
The $^{146}$Sm, as an extinct p-process isotope, plays an irreplaceable role in the time-line construction of the early solar system (ESS) and the geochemical tracing via its α decay to $^{142}$Nd. However, the measured half-life of 146Sm is still debated, which can result in a large uncertainty in the initial 146Sm abundance in the ESS and subsequent dating of planetary events after the birth...
Most nuclei are deformed and deformations play an important role in various nuclear phenomena. Modern microscopic nuclear mass models have been/are being developed based on the relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov theory in continuum to explore exotic nuclear properties. Among them we adopt the mass models based on the relativistic continuum Hartree-Bogoliubov theory (RCHB) with spherical symmetry...
Binary neutron star mergers and collapsars are potential sources of both high-energy (HE) neutrinos and r-process nuclei. In this talk, I will first discuss the HE neutrinos produced by jet-induced shocks. Then, I will explore the possibility that HE neutrinos can be annihilated with low-energy (LE) neutrinos, either emitted from the accretion disk around a black hole or from the beta decay of...
Neutrinos play key roles in supernova explosions and neutron star mergers, which are important sites of heavy element production in the universe. The flavor oscillations of neutrinos in these environments, particularly the collective oscillations due to the nonlinear coupling of neutrino forward scattering among themselves, have been shown to potentially impact the nucleosynthesis yield...
Accurate proton capture reaction rates are pivotal for a comprehensive understanding of the rp-process. However, the uncertainties of some proton capture rates are influenced significantly by the relevant nuclear masses, especially for those proton-rich nuclei along the rp-process path. Using the high-precision nuclear masses of 27, 29S, 27P, and 43V isotopes measured at the Heavy Ion Research...
Nuclear weak-interaction processes, including beta minus and plus decays, electron capture (EC) etc. play important roles for understanding Nucleosynthesis. Recently we developed a nuclear-structure model based on angular-momentum projection techniques, to calculate stellar weak-interaction rates of nuclei, where both allowed Gamow-Teller and first-forbidden transitions [1] are taken into...
The common envelop jet supernovae (CEJSN) r-process scenario has been proposed as an r-process nucleosynthesis site in the past decade. Jets launched by a neutron star that spirals-in inside the core of a red supergiant star in a common envelope evolution supply the proper conditions for the formation of elements heavier than iron through the rapid neutron capture process.
This talk unveils...
Radiative $\alpha$ capture on $^{12}$C, $^{12}$C($\alpha$,$\gamma$)$^{16}$O, is studied within the framework of cluster effective field theory (EFT). We constructed a low energy EFT for the $^{12}$C($\alpha$,$\gamma$)$^{16}$O reaction and studied the related reactions to fix the parameters of the reaction amplitudes and estimate the astrophysical $S$ factors of...