7–13 Sept 2024
Asia/Shanghai timezone
The third circular has been released.

Binary Star Evolution

10 Sept 2024, 13:55
Invited Talk Stellar Evolutions and Hydrostatic Burning Processes Stellar Evolutions and Hydrostatic Burning Processes


Hongwei GE (Yunnan Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences)


Binary stars lie at the heart of many vital astrophysical phenomena, and several types of explosive cosmic events are produced by binary objects, such as double black holes, double neutron stars, double white dwarfs, type Ia supernovae, and X-ray binaries. Despite the importance of binary evolution, there are still two long-standing unsolved fundamental questions: mass transfer stability and common envelope evolution. We briefly introduce binary star evolution, binary population synthesis fields, and recent progress in mass transfer physics. Finally, we introduce applications in related objects, such as high-mass X-ray binaries, hot subdwarf binaries, and important gravitational wave sources (double white dwarfs and double black holes).

Primary author

Hongwei GE (Yunnan Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences)


Prof. Zhanwen HAN (Yunnan Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Presentation materials