7–13 Sept 2024
Asia/Shanghai timezone
The third circular has been released.

Stellar weak-interaction rates of nuclei by angular-momentum projection theory

9 Sept 2024, 14:10
Oral Talk Theoretical Nuclear Physics for Astrophysics Theoretical Nuclear Physics for Astrophysics


Long-Jun WANG (Southwest University)


Nuclear weak-interaction processes, including beta minus and plus decays, electron capture (EC) etc. play important roles for understanding Nucleosynthesis. Recently we developed a nuclear-structure model based on angular-momentum projection techniques, to calculate stellar weak-interaction rates of nuclei, where both allowed Gamow-Teller and first-forbidden transitions [1] are taken into account simultaneously. I will show some of our calculations for related processes. For the s process, I will talk about the branching-point nuclei, playing attention to the first-forbidden transitions [2] and bound-state beta decay [3]. For the rp process, I will talk about the Urca cooling mechanism of accreting neutron star [4], as well as the waiting-point nuclei [5]. For the r process, I will talk about the stellar EC rates of nuclei for the core-collapse supernova [6]. We are now working on the strong magnetic-field effect for stellar weak rates, as well as the chiral two-body currents effect for nuclear Gamow-Teller transitions, which will be finished soon in the near future.

[1] B.-L. Wang, L.-J. Wang, Phys. Lett. B 850, 138515 (2024).
[2] Y. Xiao, B.-L. Wang, L.-J. Wang
, arXiv 2311.11687 (2024).
[3] Y. Xiao, L.-J. Wang, arXiv:2404.15897 (2024).
[4] L.-J. Wang, L. Tan, Z. Li, G. W. Misch, Y. Sun
, Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 172702 (2021).
[5] Z.-R. Chen, L.-J. Wang, Phys. Lett. B 848, 138338 (2024).
[6] L. Tan, Y. X. Liu, L.-J. Wang
, Z. Li, Y. Sun, Phys. Lett. B 805, 135432 (2020).

Primary author

Long-Jun WANG (Southwest University)

Presentation materials