Cooled and Stored Ions at the Precision Frontier of Fundamental Physics
Scientific Motivation
The four fundamental interactions and their symmetries, the fundamental constants as well as the properties of microscopic particles like masses, radii, half-lives, and moments, determine the basic structure of the universe and are the basis for our so well tested Standard Model (SM) of physics. Performing precision measurements on these particle properties and performing stringent tests on the involved interactions in extreme conditions utilizing cooled and stored ions at lowest energies and with highest precision will allow us to gain new knowledge in among others atomic and nuclear structure as well as to search for physics beyond the SM. Novel experimental and technical developments, recent results at the precision frontier of fundamental physics as well as advances in theory will be presented and discussed.
The main objective of the summer school is to train students in the various complex but interrelated specialties of modern nuclear and atomic physics with cooled and stored exotic ions. Thanks to multi-messenger observations of cosmic transients, there is a strongest ever interest in obtaining microphysics precision data to explain the nature of macro-physical objects, which is another focus of the school, namely nuclear astrophysics. In addition, with the newly coming up exotic ion beam facility HIAF in Huizhou, the students will get the chance to learn more about this world-unique facility, state-of-the art accelerator technology and instrumentation, what kind of research one can do there and, importantly, also meet experimental collaborations.